Wednesday 24 September 2014

Rant #2 - Modern approaches to relationships

Second rant comes so much later than I thought it would have, but...

I might as well actually post it.
Because that's how I roll.

My second rant is going to be on a topic that's been bugging me for the past... oh gosh I don't know how long. One of the elements - for the past week or so. The overall context - for months.

And it's how people seemingly take relationships. Their seriousness about it.
Now, I guess that I should point out as soon as possible that I actually am yet to be in a relationship as of today. Yeap, I am yet to have a girlfriend. So I might not be exactly the best person to talk about this, but it's getting onto me.

Two days ago, I took the bravery and fessed up to a girl. Of course amongst all the things that I anticipated as a reply, the one that I considered the most likely was any kind of rejection - and well well well don't I know the future then. I was rejected by the girl and I well expected it. Which is mostly why it hasn't really hurt me emotionally... not that a lot of things do, because it's hard for me to find such a thing. I was glad that later on she sent me a message adding a few things, as it cleared up even more. But afterwards, I started thinking about certain things.

If you've enough friends, or even just friends of a certain type, on facebook, you're quite likely to start seeing all kind of relationship-related stuff pop up on your newsfeed because "X Y liked this" or "W Z shared this". Half the time I don't see it simply because my phone doesn't load them up fast enough, the other half the time I actually take a split second to read what it says. Some of those are true to an extent, the others I dismiss.
But then, recently, a seemingly September thing as I don't recall this appearing beforehand, comes up an annoying little bugger. Well, it's not really that annoying, and it's not really such a bugger, but it is little - as in space little, not significance little.
I'm on about the new "invention" of the Internet English language, known as "bae".

Just what the actual hell is it?

Well, vale, OK, I do have an idea of what it is. But whose bright idea was it and how on earth did it spread so frickin' wide?
But then I think about it again and think and think... nah, just two 'think's... and come to a conclusion that it's just one of those little words that you use in a... dismissive manner. In the same manner that you would talk about anything irrelevant or of little importance. In other words, for all I care, whoever uses "bae" to call their second half doesn't really care about them.

But, then again, at the end of the day, how many people actually do? I, for one, would most likely (depending on how I myself was treated, but that's another story altogether).

No answer for this one :P

Thursday 16 January 2014

Rant #1 - Child baptisms

First rant's gonna be about no less than...

Baptisms at the earliest possible age.

The Christian ones, of course.

Why am I ranting about this topic? What brought me to say this? Where was I and what influenced me?
Well, let's just say that, as an atheist, it hurts me plenty to see small children being indoctrinated with a belief that I, personally, see as a tale euqal to that of let's say Snow White or any other Grimm Brothers'.

Last Sunday I... was brought to a local mass. It just happened to be the Baptism of the Lord Sunday (who cares?), so the baptisms of all the children in 2013 was celebrated and that particular mass was dedicated to the bunch of little crying babies from the past year.

A hundred and seventy-one of them.
A hundred and seventy-one children that could have been lead into a more free life, but instead have been... well, shoved into a life of what I consider to be lies and tales.
A hundred and seventy-one children that chould have a reasonable outlook on life, yet are going to be forced into a specific point of view which may not be considered completely accurate. And they're going to go through the doctrination through primary schools, get the 1st Communion in 2nd class, get the Confimation in 6th class and by the time they themselves can realise "oh wait, this isn't right" and break out of the mindset, it's quite likely it's gonna be too late. And they're gonna have real fun confronting the Science secondary school curriculum.
Although, in all fairness, the approach to religion these days, at least in Europe and the Catholic faith, is starting to relax and, especially the youngsters, people are not taking it as seriously anymore. They may believe, but practice is falling apart, it seems to me. And more and more people are saying, "I broke out of the mindset jail," that is, losing their faith in a superdeity, which, for all I care, doesn't exist. As the Aussies posted on a billboard, "In the beginnin, man created God" and I thoroughly agree.

If the children are going to realize the potential of being free from a faith, then I shall be quite the content man. Otherwise... well, it's not like I'm gonna have sleepless nights or anything. The potential has been lost, but what can I do?

Either way, let's just all hope that this thing is going to decline. For all I care, my children will not be by any means introduced officially into any religion or faith. Let them think freely. Hell's blazes, I'm even gonna battle it all out in the schools if that's what I'm gonna have to do.

Weddings, I can bear. Funerals, I rather bear. But baptisms? Nyeah. Rather not.

I was indoctrinated, but I broke free. is my answer for today.

Saturday 11 January 2014

Merry be the humble beginning

And even merrier shall be the reader

Or not, actually. Take that back.

Anyway, with that cut out, hellos and welcomes, blah blah blah et cetera enough of this. I felt like making a blog for my most random rants on the most random topics that the Internet can give me... or rather the real life can pass over to me through the Internets.
Anything, anytime (well, not) and anywhere (that depends on you). I'm gonna rant to my heart's content. It might be rarer to see a positive thing on this page than a negative one. I have enough criticism stored up in me from the past guah years of my life (guah = almost 16, who gives a toss). So, if you dare, come on, join me, read, whatever.

This blog is gonna be, for the biggest part, English only. Unless I push it - no Polish, no Spanish, no German, no Japanese, and definitely no Irish. End of story.

Have fun~~